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WpResidence Grid Builder

Create different Grid Variations with the WpResidence grid builder. You can use this for Categories, Types, Cities, Areas and states. There are 6 grid variations and 2 design layouts for each. 

Grid Variation 1

List specific states / cities / neighbourhoods / categories / types / features / status.  Show or not the number of listings to each category. 

Grid Variation 2

List specific states / cities / neighbourhoods / categories / types / features / status.  Show or not the number of listings to each category. 

Grid Variation 3

List specific states / cities / neighbourhoods / categories / types / features / status.  Show or not the number of listings to each category. 

Площадь Ильича

предложений 12


предложений 8


предложений 8

Ломоносовский пр-т

предложений 5

Ленинский пр-т

предложений 3


предложений 3


предложений 3

Шоссе Энтузиастов

предложений 3


предложений 3

Grid Variation 4

List specific states / cities / neighbourhoods / categories / types / features / status.  Show or not the number of listings to each category. 


предложений 28


предложений 10

Торговые помещения

предложений 8

ОСЗ (Здания)

предложений 5


предложений 2


предложений 1

Grid Variation 5

List specific states / cities / neighbourhoods / categories / types / features / status.  Show or not the number of listings to each category. 

Grid Variation 6

List specific states / cities / neighbourhoods / categories / types / features / status.  Show or not the number of listings to each category. 

Список сравнений